Face Sculpting Massage
Face Massage works on muscle memory, reminding the muscles where they need to be and working against gravity and sagginess.
The Face Sculpting Massage begins with a thorough consultation to understand your specific needs and desired outcomes. Whether you’re looking to achieve a lifted, more defined jawline, soften forehead lines, or combat puffiness and dark circles around the eyes, a personalized approach ensures that every treatment is tailored to your needs.
Combining various techniques of pinching, tapping, vigorous and firm stroking, as well as added guasha, expect a dynamic cardio facial workout, whilst you are relaxing.
What do the clients say after the Face Sculpting Massage:
” Face appearance is more lifted and defined. It is like everything is suddenly more engaged and awake. I feel like my whole face had a total workout.”
Time: 60 minutes
Price: 1.245 SEK